Coarse hair care / Hair Vd / hair and lengthen
Coarse hair care
_ Bristle difficult demobilized, and intertwined tress, so we advise you to take care of coarse hair follow the following:
1_ Domi oil pools work for your hair is more than any other exhibition of drought and bathroom oil Anashh and protect it from drying out.
2_ Do not use any kind of balm only soothes your quality of your hair is coarse based Ptnaima and calm him down.
3_ not Tlji to use lotions that alcohol intervention in composition are not addressed, but increase the curl and endure other defects.
4_ bitch about Alscoar with high heat, and use a hair gel that reduces roughness and curl.
5_ commonly used this recipe Natural Hair Care coarse Vatbaaha:
Quarter cup of boiling water mixed with a quarter cup of olive oil, put the mixture in a blender to the mixture becomes a drops, then put the mixture on the hair and massage well until it reaches the roots of the hair and limbs, and then covering the hair for a quarter of an hour, then combing and so you get the hair smooth and silky.
Hair Care Vd
_ Hair Vd the mystery of a woman's beauty and home to its appeal so that keeps her hair is Vd, and how to care for Hair Vd:
1_ when you wash your hair, try not let it open so as not to be affected by air and not being bombed.
2_ Domi work bath oil to your hair once a week is the most important ways Diamond hair Vd Day.
3_ Use soothes After wash hair he keeps it and works to calm him down.
4_ Avoid shampoos that do not benefit from them, and use the shampoos that nourish your hair and containing protein.
Hair Care and lengthen
_ Women always like to increase her long hair because her beauty is increasing, and its glory and Hautea linked with her hair, so trying hard work or commitment in ways that meet your dream and what you love to her hair, so we advise you to the work of these tips if you want hair care and lengthen:
1_ Drink plenty of water, and must not be less than the quantity eight glasses a day.
2_ should have your hair clean high, so take care of it.
3_ Domi on sports daily not Thlka yourself.
4_ Avoid or Reduce fat intake, including, Alji to protein-rich foods that hair needs to be strengthened.
5_ bitch about smoking.